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Hydrologic Conditions: Texas, November 2015

J-17 San Antonio Chart (11-2015)_FINALSan Antonio Pool

The J-17 Well elevation increased above the Stage 2 critical management trigger and ended October just below the Stage 1 trigger (see chart). Stage 1 restrictions have since been removed pursuant to EAA’s November 10 announcement that applicable triggers for Stage 1 no longer exist.

The pool has been in a critical management period most of this year. Heavy rain and flooding this spring provided a two-month respite from all pumping restrictions. But Stage 1 restrictions were imposed at the end of June. In mid-August, EAA announced a return to Stage 2 restrictions, which require all permit holders in the pool to reduce their annual authorized pumping by 30%. If conditions follow the historical trend, the well elevation will continue to increase over the fall and winter.

J-27 Uvalde Chart (11-2015)_FINALUvalde Pool

Due to recent heavy rains in the region, the J-27 Well increased resuming its climb toward the historical average (see chart). Heavy rains and flooding this spring marked the beginning of a turnaround that brought the pool from Stage 5 restrictions at the beginning of the year to the eventual lifting of all pumping restrictions. Prior to EAA lifting all pumping restrictions in early August, the Uvalde Pool had been under some level of restriction since March 2013.

With the historical trend suggesting a slight increase in elevation over the fall and winter months, will the J-27 Well elevation meet its historical average this winter?

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Will the J-27 (Uvalde Pool) continue to have no pumping restrictions through the end of the year?