Powershares Water Resources
Powershares Water Resources (PHO) stock stands at 33.3% below its expected price. Powershares price has declined by 11.5% over the past 52 weeks. The PHO price is on a continuing decline trend.
PHO stock had been over performing relative to the returns forecasted by the Capital Asset Pricing Model by an annual rate of 2.9% from January 2006 through December 2012. Powershares price has generally followed the expected price forecasted by the Capital Asset Pricing Model adjusted by the historical over performance through the first quarter of 2013. Thereafter, its performance has lagged behind its expected price.
First Trust ISE Water
First Trust ISE Water (FIW) stock now stands at 30.1% below its expected price. First Trust’s price is down 9.11% over the past 52 weeks. The FIW price is on a continuing decline trend.
FIW stock has been over-performing relative to the returns forecasted by the Capital Asset Pricing Model by an annual rate of 6.4% from January 2006 through December 2012 and is the strongest performer of the four water ETF’s tracked by JOW. Despite this historical performance, First Trust’s actual price started falling behind the expected price forecasted by the Capital Asset Pricing Model (adjusted by the historical over performance) by the end of the first quarter 2013.
Guggenheim S&P Global Water
Guggenheim S&P Global Water (CGW) stock is 23.0% below its expected price. Guggenheim’s price is down 1.2% over the past 52 weeks. The CGW price is on a continuing decline trend.
CGW stock has been over-performing relative to the returns forecasted by the Capital Asset Pricing Model by an annual rate of 1.6% from January 2006 through December 2012. Guggenheim’s actual price started falling behind the expected price forecasted by the Capital Asset Pricing Model (adjusted by the historical over performance) by the end of the first quarter 2013.
Powershares Global Water
Powershares Global Water (PIO) stock price now stands at 24.9% below its expected price. Powershares Global’s price is down 9.6% over the past 52 weeks. The PIO price is on a sharply declining trend.
PIO stock had been under-performing relative to the returns forecasted by the Capital Asset Pricing Model by an annual rate of 2.1% from January 2006 through December 2012. The actual price has generally followed the expected price forecasted by the Capital Asset Pricing Model (adjusted by this historical under-performance) over 2013. The actual stock price started running ahead of the expected price since last December.
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