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As usual, much is happening in the water industry that warrant attention and analysis. Despite Arizona’s eleventh hour approval of the DCP, the Bureau of Reclamation has published a notice in the Federal Register requesting input from the governors of the seven Basin States on how to proceed; federal leadership in water is taking shape with the appointment of Jayne Harkins as Commission of the U.S. Section of the IBWC and the nominations of Andrew Wheeler as EPA Administrator and David Bernhart as Secretary of the Interior; the connection between wildfire and water has made headlines with discussions about water management, as well as fire impacts on water quality; and snowpack and reservoir conditions in most of the southwest suggest improved water supplies this year.
With that in mind, we bring you the 2018 Fall Issue, in which JOW emphasizes its unique focus on water prices throughout the west while bringing critical insight on the important events shaping water policy.
In this issue JOW spotlights transactions that would increase the elevation in Lake Mead, ensure sufficient water supplies during Lower Basin shortage conditions, reduce reliance on imported water supplies, and use market mechanisms to meet environmental water needs.
This quarter, Market Indicators show market trends in the Alto Subarea of the Mojave Basin Area, Colorado–Big Thompson Project, the Reno metropolitan area, and the Lower Rio Grande Valley.
JOW Corner covers a recent setback for California WaterFix, when, in light of appeals and an analysis by the Delta Stewardship Council, DWR withdrew its certification that the project complies with the Delta Plan and a settlement agreement that ends long-running litigation over the development of hydropower project in Elsinore Valley.
We hope you enjoy this issue of Journal of Water.
Rodney T. Smith
PS – Follow us on Twitter @JournalOfWater
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