Blog Roundup: Boosting Supply, Rain Relief, Environmental Protection, Conflict and More October 8, 2014
Bloggers discuss California groundwater regulation, droughts through the ages, avenues for citizen engagement, and more September 23, 2014
Bloggers Discuss Groundwater Recharge and Regulations, Drought Management, Environmental Allocations, the Napa Earthquake, and Colorado September 16, 2014
Bloggers Discuss Legislative Responses to the Drought, Dwindling Groundwater, Market-Based Valuations and Unconventional Water Sources September 9, 2014
Bloggers discuss the California Water Bond, Water Planning and Policy, Desalination and Arizona’s Colorado River Water Supply July 21, 2014
Bloggers discuss groundwater, the role of the federal government in water, management of the Colorado River, water issues in California, global water stress and more June 18, 2014
Bloggers discuss the Bay Delta Conservation Plan, the Colorado River, and California’s Water Bond April 30, 2014
Bloggers talk drought, water supply and groundwater management funding, lawyers focus on EPA’s proposed rule on the definition of “waters of the United States” April 9, 2014
Bloggers discuss water supply in California, the future of the Colorado River, Fracking, the world’s most stressed rivers and the BDCP March 27, 2014
Blog round-up: The politcal time machine of drought, climate change and California’s drought, holding water theives accountable, and more on the drought plus water conservation devices you’ve likely not seen before … March 8, 2014
Blog round-up: Federal legislation, drought environmental markets, groundwater, SWP allocations, fracking, Temperance flat and much more … ! February 17, 2014
Blog round-up: Bloggers on drought preparedness, choices, and policies, plus Owens Lake Dust Control, Vegas water conservation, and more January 25, 2014
Blog round-up: Bloggers look back at 2013 and ahead at 2014, plus Sacramento sewage overflows, fracking and the BDCP, the Las Vegas groundwater pipeline and more January 7, 2014
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